About Me

Dr. Wooten Bodine

Dr. Catherine Wooten Bodine is a Licensed Professional Counselor (LPC) in the state of Texas. Throughout the years, she has worked with individuals, couples, children, families, and groups presenting with a broad spectrum of concerns. Dr. Wooten Bodine has extensive experience working with survivors of sexual assault and domestic violence. Presenting problems have ranged from depression and anxiety, to marital/relational discord, to parenting issues with children and adolescents, to individuals who want to better themselves by maximizing personal potential in life. 

Dr. Wooten Bodine has also presented at local, state, and national conferences on topics including grief, trauma, mindfulness, movement, and body oriented psychotherapy. A significant area of interest and focus is life transitions, including but not limited to retirement from athletics, and the renegotiation of one's self after said life transition. This includes disenfranchised grief, any grief that goes unacknowledged, unrecognized, or undervalued by society, and the effects such grief and sorrow might have on the body. 


Ph.D. Counselor Education and Supervision, Doctoral Student, Saint Mary’s University,  May 2019.

Cognate area: Somatic Counseling. 

M.A. Counseling and Guidance, Texas A&M University-San Antonio, May 2014.

B.A. Professional Writing, Baylor University, Waco, Texas, May 2012.


Licensed Professional Counselor, State of Texas

Professional Presentations: 

“Embodied Healing: Reconstituting the body as sanctuary in sexual trauma recovery” with Nevine Sultan, American Counseling Association Conference, Montreal, Canada, March 2016.

“Awakening Justice: A relational approach” with Catherine Wooten, Christi Myers & Beth Owens, IAMFC World Conference, New Orleans, LA, March 2016.

“(Re)Embodied Social Justice: An exponential approach to change” with, Christi Myers, Catherine Wooten & Beth Owens, Texas Association of Counselor Education and Supervision Conference, Austin, TX, January 2016.

“Reconstituting the Sacred: Embodying and healing sexual trauma” with Nevine Sultan, TCA Professional Growth Conference, Corpus Christi, TX, November 2015.    

“Finding Justice in the Body: An embodied social justice approach for counselors” with Christi Myers, Catherine Wooten, Beth Owens, TCA Professional Growth Conference, Corpus Christi, TX, November 2015.  

“My Body is My Sanctuary: Embodied and spiritual dimensions of healing sexual trauma” with Nevine Sultan, ASERVIC National Conference, New York, New York, July 2015.

“The relationship between embodiment and gestalt resistance processes in counselors-in- training: An exploratory investigation” with Monique Mercado, International Research           Conference 2015, The challenge of establishing a research tradition for Gestalt Therapy,           Cape Cod, MA, May 2015.

“Embodying Relationships: Creating connections from the “bottom up” The Association for Creativity in Counseling National Conference, San Antonio, TX, April, 2015.

“Fluid Grief: A relational and movement-oriented approach to bereavement counseling” with Nevine Sultan and Catherine Wooten. The Association for Creativity in Counseling           National Conference, San Antonio, TX, April, 2015.

“The Embodied Counselor: Embodying self, relationships and justice” Keynote speech MidCental Texas Counseling Association Growth and Renewal Conference, Belton, TX, February 2015.

“Embodying clinical supervision: A somatic experiential approach” with Nevine Sultan and Catherine Wooten, Texas Association of Counselor Education and Supervision MidWinter Conference, Austin , TX, January 2015. 

Disembodied Grief: Reconstituting the Grieving Body” Professional Growth Conference, Texas Counseling Association, Dallas TX, November 2014. 

“Mindfulness, Movement, and Mediation: An Experiential Foundation for Counselor Wellness” Professional Growth Conference, Texas Counseling Association, Dallas, TX, November 2014. 

“The Organization of Experience: Skills for Working with the Body in Present Time” Rape Crisis Center, San Antonio, TX, August 2014.

“Embodied grief: Honoring the body of the bereaved” with Nevine Sultan, Association for Humanistic Counseling National Conference, Albuquerque, NM, June 2014.

"The Embodied Self: Transformation through embodied self- awareness" NIX Hospital, San Antonio, TX April, 2014.

“Awareness Training and Creativity: A Gestalt Approach to Counselor Education” TACES Midwinter Conference, Texas Association for Counselor Education and Supervision, Austin, TX, January 2014.

“Mindfulness, Breath, and Movement: A Creative Foundation for Counselor Wellness” 

Professional Growth Conference, Texas Counseling Association, San Antonio, TX, November 2013.

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